Saturday, December 21, 2013

Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                   December 23, 2013 9:00 am MST

Denver Metro Area Resource for Victims of Sex Trafficking or Sexual Abuse- MILE HIGH WOMEN’S OUTREACH CENTER

Mile High Women’s Outreach Center, founded by Wendy White, has their corporate office open since October 1, 2013. The center is opening the clinical office on January 6, 2013. The sole purpose of this center is to provide women and young girls, who are victims of sex trafficking and/or sexual abuse a place to find resources for healing and providing a way out. Mile High Women's Outreach seeks  to heal, educate and empower women and children victims and survivors of sex trafficking & sexual assault; helping bring some inner peace into the darkness that surrounds these issues. Mile High Women's Outreach Center runs on the belief and philosophy that every woman and child has the right to live a life free from imprisonment, verbal, and sexual abuse and a life free from sex trafficking. 

Sex trafficking is here in Colorado, right in the Denver Metro Area. It is time to stop turning our heads and ignoring this problem. MHWOC is making the stance “NO MORE”. MHWOC is a local non-profit; with full intentions of making a difference to girls and women that are victims of sex trafficking and sexual abuse. In the Denver Post, on December 19, 2013, Tom McGhee writes
“The FBI's Rocky Mountain Innocence Lost Task Force rescued 59 teen prostitutes from flesh peddlers in the state this year, up from 49 in 2012.
In July, Operation Cross Country, a nationwide sweep that targeted victims of underage prostitution and their pimps, recovered 105 juveniles and bagged 150 pimps in 76 cities.
Denver ranked fourth in the number of teens rescued, with nine juveniles, fewer than only San Francisco, Milwaukee and Detroit.
These are chilling statistics that indicate modern-day slavers continue to ply their trade in Colorado.”
Read more: Labor and sex traffickers practice modern slavery in Colorado - The Denver Post

Sex trafficking occurs when people are forced or coerced into the commercial sex trade against their will.  Child sex trafficking includes any child involved in commercial sex.  Sex traffickers frequently target vulnerable people with histories of abuse and then use violence, threats, lies, false promises, debt bondage, or other forms of control and manipulation to keep victims involved in the sex industry.  Sex trafficking exists within the broader commercial sex trade, often at much larger rates than most people realize or understand.  Sex trafficking has been found in a wide variety of venues of the overall sex industry, including residential brothels, hostess clubs, online escort servicesfake massage businesses, strip clubs, and street prostitution. (THE COLORADO PROJECT TO COMPREHENSIVELY COMBAT HUMAN TRAFFICKING PROJECT TEAM, 2013)

Although many individuals recognize that the trafficking of minors and Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is occurring in several countries, many are unaware that it takes place every day in America, specifically in Colorado. According to FBI data, every day, American girls as young as 12 are sexually exploited, and according to a 2001 study examining Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) in the US, Canada and Mexico, it was estimated that 33% of all unaccompanied minors over the age of 10 fall victim to some kind of sexual exploitation. Of these children, 20% are found to be trafficked through well-established prostitution networks and frequently forced to repay their trafficking debts through child pornography and prostitution.
A nationwide FBI sting in early 2009 freed 52 underage girls from sex trafficking in 29 cities across the country, including Denver. The FBI identified a well-known circuit used for movement of children and communication between traffickers referred to as the Western Circuit, including cities of Denver, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and Santa Fe.

Sadly, for those rescued and brought out of the trafficking syndicate, a 2007 study from the Department of Health and Human Services found that there were only 39 beds in all US shelters that had the staff capabilities and professional specialization to address young girls who have experienced CSE.

MHWOC was founded by Wendy White and is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The organization is a non-profit, owned by the public, and held accountable by the Board of Director members.

MHWOC provides services for healing and educating! The organization will make a difference and partner with agencies to change this horrible for profit sex industry with women and young girls! On January 6, 2014, the center opens its clinical doors and has full clinical services.  MHWOC carries the vision based on the principal of helping women and children, focusing specifically on helping the victims of sex trafficking and sexual abuse. In addition, MHWOC has programs and trainings to educate law enforcement agencies, medical professionals, state and county caseworkers on topics specific to sex trafficking, and raise community awareness of the crime, which is prevalent in the Denver Metro area. Self-defense classes offered to the community and clients of the center and free of charge, instructors are MMA fighters Team Wildman, and self-defense products offered.

MHWOC will always provide services for healing! The organization is setting some hefty goals for the next few years.  In June 2014 MHWOC will open a thrift store which 100% of the proceeds will go to the center; August 2014, the organization will open the first group home in the Denver Metro Area, for girls between the ages of 12-18, that are victims of sex trafficking or sexual abuse and provide services specific to bring some healing and inner peace into the darkness that surrounds these issues. The organization will be providing transitional services at the beginning of 2015, helping victims and women learn skills in resume building, job training and community.

To obtain more information about this topic or to schedule an interview, please contact:
Mile High Women’s Outreach Center
Wendy White

You may also visit our company website at or follow on Twitter

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